The inter-epicondylar distance as a valid method for localization of the radial nerve in the posterior approach to the humerus: Cadaveric and surgical study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor - Anatomy department Faculty of medicine Alexandria university

2 Anatomy and embryology department faculty of medicine Alexandria university Alexandria egypt

3 Orthopedic department - Faculty of medicine Alexandria universty


Background: An ability to predict correctly the point where the radial nerve pierces the lateral intermuscular septum would be useful during arm surgery. Aim of the work: The present work aimed to create a simple bonny guide to localize the radial nerve for the safe posterior approach to the humerus.
Material and methods: The material of this work included forty upper limbs of formalin preserved specimens obtained from the dissecting room of anatomy department, and forty surgical cases undergoing posterior fixation of the humerus from the operative room of El Hadra hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.
The measurements involved the distance between the upper margin of the spiral groove to the tip of the medial epicondyle (medial measurement), the distance between the lower margin of the spiral groove to the tip of the lateral epicondyle (lateral measurement) and measurement of the inter-epicondylar distance in both cadaveric and surgical cases and compared with each other.
Results: The results revealed no statistically significant difference between measurements of both sides in the cadaveric study. In the same time, no statistically significant difference between measurements of cadaveric and surgical cases. From the previous measurements we obtained a formula from which we can predict the medial and lateral measurements of the radial nerve from the inter-epicondylar distance value.
Conclusion: The inter-epicondylar distance is a reliable method and reproducible measure to localize the radial nerve on the back of the humerus.
