Ameliorative effects of Cerebrolysin on Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult male albino rats

Document Type : Original Article


1 Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

2 Anatomy & Embryology - Faculty of medicine - Ain Shams University

3 Anatomy department,faculty of medicine,ain shams university

4 Anatomy & Embryology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Background: Traumatic brain injury is a community problem with high significance in illness or death. Moreover, recurrent mild traumatic injury could result in an increased risk of neurodegeneration as in Alzheimer's. On the other hand, there were no effective treatments to overcome or improve TBI-related cerebral damage. However, cerebrolysin significantly enhances mental functions in people with vascular dementia.
Aim: So, the current work was designed to simulate a repeated brain concussion model in adult male albino rats to test its effect on the structure of the ependyma and detect the possible ameliorative effects of cerebrolysin supplementation on the post-traumatic changes in ependyma and subventricular-zone.
Methods: Twenty adult male albino rats were divided into four groups: Control, concussion, spontaneously recovered, and cerebrolysin-treated groups. Brain specimens were processed for light microscopy and immunohistochemistry followed by statistical analysis.  
Results: The current study revealed that early cerebrolysin treatment induced neurogenesis and was associated with improved post-traumatic ependymal changes.
