The nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract forms an important primary olfactory centre. It is composed of a spherical mass of cells overlying the medical edge of the lateral olfactory tract (Fig. 1.,{). Although this nucleus was described in the studies of Johnston ( 1923 ), Gurdian ( 1925 ), Young (1936),Hunphery (1936) and Fox (1940), real interest of neuroanatomists in its cyto-architecture began only with the work of Valverde (1965), Tombiil and Szafranska - Kosmal (19?2) Hall (19?2), and Kamal and Tombcil (19?5). These authors gave a general description of some cells observed in their golgi studies on the amygdaloid complex. No studies were made on the ultrastructure of this nucleus. For these reasons it was deemed to focus this work primarily upon the cytoarchitecture and on the synaptic architecture both in golgi preparation and in electron microscopical specimens.
NOOR EL-DIN, M., KAMAL, A., ABD EL-REHIM, M., & ZAAFARANY, R. (1979). SOME ASPECTS ON TIIE STts,UCTUR,AL ORGANISATION OF' THE NUCLEUS OI.' THE LATEftAL OLF'ACTORY I]R'ACT. The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 2(1), 9-18. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5726
M. NOOR EL-DIN; A. KAMAL; M. ABD EL-REHIM; R ZAAFARANY. "SOME ASPECTS ON TIIE STts,UCTUR,AL ORGANISATION OF' THE NUCLEUS OI.' THE LATEftAL OLF'ACTORY I]R'ACT", The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 2, 1, 1979, 9-18. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5726
NOOR EL-DIN, M., KAMAL, A., ABD EL-REHIM, M., ZAAFARANY, R. (1979). 'SOME ASPECTS ON TIIE STts,UCTUR,AL ORGANISATION OF' THE NUCLEUS OI.' THE LATEftAL OLF'ACTORY I]R'ACT', The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 2(1), pp. 9-18. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5726
NOOR EL-DIN, M., KAMAL, A., ABD EL-REHIM, M., ZAAFARANY, R. SOME ASPECTS ON TIIE STts,UCTUR,AL ORGANISATION OF' THE NUCLEUS OI.' THE LATEftAL OLF'ACTORY I]R'ACT. The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 1979; 2(1): 9-18. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5726