H uman G enetic s Lab', N ational Re sear clz C entr e' &,iroand"DepartmentolAnthropologE,InstituteolAlricanResearch anil Studie s, Cairo U niuer sitY.
The material which is the subject of this work entertains a special importance as there are disPutes about the origin of the People of the OId Kindom and the develoPment of their civilization. Elliot Smith and Douglas DerrY emPhasized in different oceasions that the Dynastic period arose bY immigation and population rePlacement. They also stated that a there was certainly a racial mixture in Lower Egypt at the time of the PYramid Buiders (Smith and Jones, 1910; Smith and Derry, 1910; Smith, 1911 and Derry 1956). Smith and Derry were not the only workers who eonsidered a homeland for the Ancient Eg5rptians and their civilization in every eorner of the world excePt Eg5rpt (Batrawi, 1946).
HUSSIEN, F., & SHAABAN, M. (1979). oNTIIEEOM0GENEITYoFTIIEPYR.AITfiDBIIILIIEBS AS EVTDENCE OF' TIIEIE ENI}OGENOIIS ON'IGIN. The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 2(1), 133-142. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5737
FAWZIA HUSSIEN; M. SHAABAN. "oNTIIEEOM0GENEITYoFTIIEPYR.AITfiDBIIILIIEBS AS EVTDENCE OF' TIIEIE ENI}OGENOIIS ON'IGIN", The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 2, 1, 1979, 133-142. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5737
HUSSIEN, F., SHAABAN, M. (1979). 'oNTIIEEOM0GENEITYoFTIIEPYR.AITfiDBIIILIIEBS AS EVTDENCE OF' TIIEIE ENI}OGENOIIS ON'IGIN', The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 2(1), pp. 133-142. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5737
HUSSIEN, F., SHAABAN, M. oNTIIEEOM0GENEITYoFTIIEPYR.AITfiDBIIILIIEBS AS EVTDENCE OF' TIIEIE ENI}OGENOIIS ON'IGIN. The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy, 1979; 2(1): 133-142. doi: 10.21608/ejana.1979.5737